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Win More Clients with Remarketing

Win More Clients with Remarketing

What is Google Remarketing?

Remarketing is an online advertising method that helps you get back in front of people who left your site without buying or completing a goal. Have you ever visited a website and then seen its ads on other sites while browsing the internet? If so, you’ve likely already encountered this form of advertising.

Why is Remarketing Useful?

In the online space, purchases on the first visit occur in only 2% of cases, according to specialists. Even if users find the perfect product, they will typically check at least one more site to ensure they found the best price. This is the behavior of 98% of website visitors. Do you find yourself in this situation? Certainly, so do the customers who visit your site.
When it comes to convincing people who visit your site to take action, a single visit is usually not enough. Remarketing offers you a chance to bring back indecisive customers with tailored ads and offers that align with their experience on the site. In other words, you have a better chance of completing the transaction.
How to Create Effective Remarketing Campaigns
The way you create your remarketing campaigns greatly depends on your company’s objectives and the type of customers you want to reach. Here are three successful remarketing tactics that have proven effective in managing and testing remarketing campaigns:

  1. Showcasing Different Product Categories

Google allows you to create custom remarketing lists to display ads for different product categories to specific visitors. For example, if Tudor has an online store selling car parts for various automobile models and wants to show remarketing ads for customers searching for Dacia car parts differently than those searching for Mercedes, Renault, BMW, etc., he can create an ad for customers who visited the “Dacia Car Parts” page and a different ad for those who visited the “BMW Car Parts” page. Similarly, for an online shop with perfumes for men and women, creating different ads will ensure more precise targeting.
  1. Reconnecting with Visitors Who Abandoned Shopping Carts

Often, users add items to their online shopping carts, browse other sites, and forget or get distracted before completing the purchase. Because these individuals are so close to completing the transaction, it’s a good idea to facilitate their purchase. You can create remarketing lists for those who have at least one item in their shopping cart, making it easier to target this segment. However, do not include users who completed their purchase; instead, create a new list for those types of customers. Finally, you will have a combined personalized list to direct remarketing efforts to people who visited the “Shopping Cart” page but did not confirm their order.
For example, Mara has an online perfume shop and noticed that many customers add products to their cart but do not complete the purchase. She decided to create a Google Remarketing campaign, offering a 10% discount coupon to those customers to encourage them to return to her shop and finalize their purchase.
  1. Attracting Visitors Who Did Not Convert

If your site attracts visitors but they do not convert (take action), you can create a remarketing list to encourage them to return. These personalized lists can help you target only users who did not convert by excluding those who did.
For example, Irina’s online children's store attracts many visits, but Irina wants to target only those who did not convert. She will use a combined personalized list for people who visited the site but did not buy anything, to keep them informed about the products offered and to imprint her brand in their minds.

Success in Remarketing Campaigns

Ultimately, the success of remarketing campaigns depends on how well you configure your remarketing lists. By accurately targeting and customizing your campaigns, you can effectively bring back potential customers and increase your chances of conversion.


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