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Newsletter: A Powerful Marketing Tool for Your Business

Newsletter: A Powerful Marketing Tool for Your Business

A newsletter is an electronic magazine or a periodic update sent via email to your clients or collaborators who have previously subscribed to the system for free. Writing a newsletter rich in information and useful tips can be considered an excellent marketing tool. Knowing that these individuals are your target audience, you can "take advantage" of this by advertising your products and services, sending updates, promotions, and informative articles related to your field, or even sending personalized messages for holidays, birthdays, Women's Day, or other significant events throughout the year.

However, it is essential to maintain the quality of your newsletter by avoiding aggressive advertising, which everyone tends to avoid. Potential clients will appreciate messages that teach them something, offer a piece of advice, or a secret (something that differentiates you from other competitors in the market). Besides periodic information, clients will value the constant updates on news and trends specific to your field, as well as reinforcing your brand in their minds.

To ensure high efficiency of your newsletter, avoid spam, and make sure it reaches the intended recipient, it is recommended that this system be integrated by the web design company that created your website or online store. The web design firm can guide you on how to create effective newsletters easily, plan, and manage your newsletter schedule better. People are frequently interrupted by "small notifications" prompting them to check their inbox—let’s make sure it's worth their time to read the newsletter you send! Here are some best practices to increase your click-through rate and, consequently, the number of clients for your business:

  1. Mobile-Friendly Design

    According to studies, the rate of email opens on mobile devices or tablets is increasing, yet most newsletters are poorly designed and unreadable on mobile phones. It’s crucial to adapt your template to ensure a pleasant reading experience regardless of the device used.

  2. Content Design

    Content should be short and concise because we live in a fast-paced era where many things move quickly, and people claim they no longer have time, often reading emails on the go, probably from a mobile device. The goal of a newsletter is not to "bombard" the reader with a lot of information, most of which is ignored, but to remind them of your presence and inspire them to take action by directing them to your website. The title must be chosen carefully, as it significantly influences the reader and serves as the first direct impact.

  3. Call-to-Action

    What do we mean by call-to-action? It is an invitation to take action, shaped through a button, banner, image, or simple text that encourages the visitor to click. These should be enticing and "incite" the reader. Essentially, this call-to-action sends the client to the site, where they will discover more about what was briefly presented in the newsletter; besides useful information, it could be a special offer, a new product launch, an invitation to a company event, a form to fill out, or a coupon to download. Experts recommend 2 to 3 such buttons, which can be placed anywhere on the page.

  4. Social Media Buttons

    Social media icons should not be missing; they should be placed at the top of the newsletter template because most readers do not scroll to the end of the message. Additionally, it should be possible to share the "received message" on social media, considered an intelligent marketing strategy.

  5. Adding Videos

    Newsletters that include a video have double the click-through rate compared to ordinary ones, say experts. Videos can be directly linked to YouTube, Instagram, or uploaded to your site or personal blog.



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