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How to Grow Your Email List of Potential Clients

How to Grow Your Email List of Potential Clients
Creating a website, whether it's a presentation portal, blog, or online store, does not guarantee traffic attraction. Given that the developed niche market brings us well-established competitors who dominate the first pages of search engines, it is essential to attract traffic to our site. An optimal alternative to reach clients is through email. Of course, creating a high-quality email list composed of potential clients interested in our services does not happen overnight. Therefore, we have prepared a series of tips to help you in this regard.

Email Sending Tools

A small email list does not require a significant effort to approach in a personalized manner. The situation changes completely when the list grows significantly. Not only will you no longer have the time, but you will also lack the patience to send an email to each person individually. You will still be one person, while they are hundreds and continuously growing. Thus, we recommend email automation. All you need to do is create the content and send it to the entire list in just a few seconds.
Since people are unpredictable, don't hesitate to experiment constantly. You can try sending newsletters from the website platform if it allows, or opt for various email marketing tools like Mailchimp or Active Campaign. These offer free packages, so testing them does not involve a financial effort.

Email Collection Box

The email collection box can materialize through a form, pop-up, or even a banner. It needs to be placed where it catches the visitor's attention, not where it “doesn't get in the way.” Indeed, it shouldn't be annoying, but it also shouldn't be hard to find. A pop-up won't be bothersome if it appears only once and the close box is visible.
Additionally, when deciding where to place this box, consider studies on visitor behavior on websites. And if a particular approach doesn't work, it's okay. Keep testing, change the approach, change the color or font until you notice a change.
Offer Informative Content Through a Blog
A blog can be an excellent source of information for users and, implicitly, a good source of traffic. Relevant content related to your field of activity, which provides the necessary information, will encourage visitors to return to the site. To attract users, you can always be active on other blogs in the same sphere, leaving pertinent and useful comments for the interested audience.

Don't Overwhelm Subscribers with Unwanted Emails

Nothing is riskier than misleading users. If you promise them one thing and offer another, it is very likely that your emails will end up in the Spam folder. In the signup box, it is recommended to mention the frequency of the emails to be received and to stick to it. If you promise a weekly email and write to them daily, they will feel harassed and will develop a "repellent" attitude towards your business.
If possible, offer them the option to subscribe to a specific category: a service from your wide range, possible offers and discounts, blog, etc. This way, you learn to segment the list easily and send personalized emails based on each person's interests. Their trust will be gained, and their visit will be one step closer to materializing.



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